This section of the site shows a selection of models created by club members. These are on a variety railway related subjects and in a range of scales, gauges and materials and show modelling doesn't need a lot of space. Some are built from kits others scratch built or a combination of both. Where available each item has text describing the model itself and related information.
OO Gauge Lime wagon
This was made from a Peco Wonderful Wagon kit and suitably weathered. It was an entry in the recent club modelling competition
O Gauge SECR Box van
Kit built box van lightly weathered with interesting couplings.
OO Gauge branch line halt
This model was designed for the club's shoe box challenge competition. Its a static model but shows how much modelling can be fitted in small space. Note the two clips on the right hand side that provide power to the locomotive though the length of run is very short
EM Gauge goods yard
Another small layout built for the shoe box challenge. This shows a small goods platform and its associated hut though someone seems to have built a house over the end of the line. It uses EM gauge track, a slighter wider gauge than OO that is more prototypical.
OO gauge shunting layout
This model represents a small rail served engineering works. The buildings and ground cover are made from card / paper kits and modified to fit the location. For added interest a sector plate can be attached to the right hand side and power can be supplied to the model allowing wagons to be shunted between the sidings providing short wagons and small locos are used. This was another entry in the shoe box challenge
N gauge London station
The winner of the shoe box challenge competition is this miniature model of part of a London station. The model incorporates lighting and station sounds provided by a hidden speaker along with two excellent EMU models and the obligatory London busses.
Signal Box
This is a model of a signal box with a fully detailed interior.
Outside of detailed signal box
Detail in side signal box
Lever frame detail
Outside of detailed signal box