This section contains news about the club and items that may be of interest to railway modellers.
Stop Press

Possible threat to Exhibition Venue
Tonbridge and Malling Council (TMBC) are reviewing the funding and future on the Angel Centre where we hold our exhibitions. The centre is in need of refurbishment for a variety of reasons and this will potentially affect were we can hold them in future years though it will NOT effect the 2025 one. You can find more details on the TMBC website.
Layout News

Beaminster: scenic work continues, particularly painting the plaster ground cover between the bridge and the station. Similar work has been done on other boards.
Upson Downs: Jon is still bringing this down each week. Work has been to the cross-board track connections. Recently a loco was actually running!
Ashdown Park: The new track layout is complete and wiring is underway.
Wittenden: Exhibition invites are still received for this layout.
Westerham: The new three road sector plate has been completed. This allows for more stock to be held and act as a head shunt if needed with out affecting storage too much. Practicing for the club exhibition underway.
Test Track: Following some repair work by Kevin G, this layout is now held by David Gooch. He will be bringing it down on Club nights as requested. Trains have been running around it since repairs were completed and not at scale speeds :)
Other News

Storage for club layouts and other items
External storage for club equipment is now available in a nearby self storage site and we are gradually moving items from the shed so John can have his garden back. There has also been some progress on getting more storage at the church which will make club evenings easier (watch this space)

Grahams Southwark Bridge in Railway Modeller
Graham Bridge's N gauge model of a London terminus might have been station has been featured in the Railway Modeller magazine for January 2025.

Clubs new wagon. The clubs new limited edition wagon has been delivered from Rapido and will be available for purchase at the exhibition (£28.00 with discount for members)