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About the club

Tonbridge Model Railway Club (TMRC) was formed by a small band of local modellers in 1980 and has evolved over the last few decades to become the thriving club it is today.

We are a friendly club of ~40 members from across Tonbridge and near by areas. Traditionally we meet once a week, on a Thursday evening from 7pm for a few hours to build model railways, have talks and socialise. We are also the organisers of the very popular annual Tonbridge model railway exhibition, which but for the pandemic would have reached its 40th show in February 2021. Club nights restarted in late August 2021 (see the 'contact us' page for latest details).

Interests cross a broad spectrum of the hobby; some are fine scale modellers while others prefer running models straight from the box and cover a range of scales, gauges and prototypes. The club has layouts in a range of scales & gauges. You can see some of these in the 'layouts' section of this site.

Members typically spend club nights working on layouts, building kits, running their latest purchases or just having a good chat and a cup of tea. 


Many keep in touch using social media and e-mail sharing their modelling activities, providing encouragement, humour and the 'Why didn't I think of that...'

You can see our social media sites on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook by clicking the relevant icon on the right hand side of the menu at the top of the page.

During the year the club runs a range of events 

  • Modelling and photographic competitions, judged by the members on the last meeting of the year prior to Christmas

  • Occasional talks from guest speakers on range of topics from modelling to the real thing. 

  • Our AGM (members only) where discussions on topics such as finances, votes on ideas from members and re-election of committee members take place

  • Our Annual exhibition held every year on a Saturday in mid February. See the 'Exhibition' section of the website for more details.

  • There is the occasional trip out by groups of members e.g. to The London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace in London. 

In addition to the above a newsletter is provided to members at least 4 times a year giving updates on club activities etc.

NB: We can be confused with the Tonbridge Model Engineering Society who run live steam and diesel locomotive models on their track in nearby Tonbridge park giving rides to the public at the weekends during summer (and well worth a visit). 

Being run entirely by volunteers this means our website is also written, updated and managed by volunteers. If you see an error (a date looks wrong, there’s a spelling mistake or a link doesn’t work etc) please let us know using the details on the contact us page.

TMRC club members in club room
Tonbridge Model Railway club 40th anniversary logo


This consists of full and associate adult members as well as students (15-18 years old).  There is a constitution and a set of rules which members are expected to abide by. The club year runs from April to April each year with subscriptions due at that time. Currently a full adult subscription costs £60.  Full membership will allow you to attend on club nights, vote at the AGM (providing your subscription is paid) and of course get involved with the various club activities such as helping at exhibitions. 

Children of members may attend Club nights but the member must assume full responsibility for them whilst at the club or other club event.  


If you are interested in knowing more about the club or membership then please see the 'contact us' page or speak to a member at either our exhibition or another event.

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